Honors Program at Ferris State University

Day of Service & Learning: Big Rapids City Recreation

Hemlock Park pavilion is in need of some rejuvenation. We plan to put a rain garden in the front portion of the pavilion near the parking lot. The City will have the area prepped and the request to have the volunteers put in the plants and mulch based on the Landscape Architects drawing. There will be shovels and rakes supplied to handle the task. Students should bring their own gardening gloves, should they want to wear a pair.

This event is part of the 2015 Day of Service & Learning; a project started in 2014 by the Honors Program, that provides as many students as possible with a meaningful service opportunity at the start of the year. This project also provided the community with valuable help and support from Ferris. Please check out all opportunities and sign up on OrgSync. As a bonus the first 100 volunteers to sign up will receive a t-shirt. Volunteers will be notified if they receive a shirt at the event and to get credit for your service hours please complete the survey for the event and log your hours.

If you have any questions regarding the event or OrgSync please contact Charles Malone, the Honors Advisor at CharlesMalone@ferris.edu.