Honors Program at Ferris State University

Call for Nominations for Honors Student Council

Honors Student Council was founded in 2013 as a collaboration between the Honors faculty and students. Much of what the group does involves looking over and tweaking Honors Alternative Contracts and checking to see if students are asking for a fair amount for Study Abroad Scholarships. The group also helps decide what counts as a service hour as well as making other clarifications.

In the past, the Council has developed the wording for the Four Columns and made clarifications for who can graduate with Honors when it comes to Associate Degrees, moving onto professional school, etc. Finally, students are able to hold a leadership role within the group and to network with the Honors faculty across campus including members of the Honors Council.

The Council meets for about an hour, every other week. The first meeting will take place on Monday, September 28th at 5:00pm in Pickell.

If you are interested in becoming part of Honors Student Council or know someone who would, please nominate yourself or someone else by sending or an email with the following information: what sort of time commitment you have, why you are interested in being a member, and what your current involvement is with Honors.