Honors Program at Ferris State University

Lunch and Learn: “Study Abroad in Scotland”

Southern Belle tavern lounge observation car Kansas City Southern Railroad - Public Domain image from Wikimedia commons

Lilia Caserta will be hosting another Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, September 27th entitled “Study Abroad in Scotland.” During her presentation, Professor Caserta will discuss the benefits and details of studying abroad in Scotland. Below is a short description of her presentation:

“Study Abroad in Scotland takes place from July 24th to August 5th, 2017, we travel to Edinburg, ancient city of North England. There we visit Edinburg castle to learn about Scottish history and two Royal dynasties: Stuart and Tudor. We have a historic tour of the city and learn how Edinburg was establish, and how it influences modern literature phenomena of ‘Harry Potter’.

Our second destination is a small town of St. Andrew, which has one of the oldest Universities, an ancient castle and oldest golf course in the world. We stay at St. Andrew University to experience college life, play golf, visit beaches, learn about English history and culture.”

To learn more about the program and ask questions, please join us for the Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, September 27th from 11:00am till 11:50am in Pickell’s Conference Room or contact Lilia Caserta directly at or (231)591-3072. As usual, pizza from Jets pizza will be provided for those who sign-up ahead of time. Please make sure to RSVP before noon on Monday, September 27th by emailing .