Consider an Honors Associate Degree

Did you know that students can often get an associate degree and Honors cords while they are working toward a bachelor’s degree and the Honors medallion?

Getting the associate degree and Honors cords marks your achievement and gives you credentials for your resume. If you were ever to leave Ferris or the Honors Program before completing your bachelor’s degree, you would still have your associate degree and Honors cords.

To get your associate degree, you would first ask your academic advisor to add that program for you. It can take a full semester for that record to be processed; tell your advisor if you need it to be processed more quickly. You may add an associate degree even if you are far along in a bachelor’s degree program and have already completed all the requirements for an associate degree. Once you have finished the associate degree requirements, ask your academic advisor to run your audit. You can then fill out your “Apply to Graduate” form on MyFSU. You receive your associate degree even if you don’t attend the graduation ceremony.

When you get your associate degree, you can also receive your Honors cords if you have fulfilled your Honors commitments. You can find the curricular requirements for the Honors cords in the “Honors Curriculum” section of the Honors Program website:

The only co-curricular requirements for the cords are your cultural event attendance and service.

If you have fulfilled these requirements, you can apply for your Honors cords by filling out the “Application for Medallion/Cords” in the “Forms” section of the Honors Program website:

If you would like more information on this option, please email me at [email protected].

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